Myth and Pandemi

The ancient Javanese say that comet is Lintang Kemukus, and they believe that the appearance of comet is a bad sign, except if the comet is come from west. Citate from the books “Sejarah Kuta Sala: Kraton Sala, Bengawan Sala, Gunung Lawu” (The History of Solo city, The Palace of Solo, Bengawan Solo River and the Lawu Mountain), written by R.M. Ng. Tiknopranoto dan R. Mardisuwignya, the meaning of appearance of a comet can be interpreted as follows :

1. From the East

If there is a comet appearing from the east, it means that the king is having his condolences, the people are in confused condition. The villagers have bad yields, rice prices are falling  and the price of gold  is rising.

2. From The South East

A sign that the king is dead. Many villagers moved. Rain becomes sparse. Many fruits are damaged. There is an epidemic of disease. many people get sick and die. Rice is expensive. Many buffalo and cattle are sold by their owners.

3. From The South

A sign that the king is dead. The authorities were troubled. Lots of rain. The results of the farm are abundant. Rice,  buffalo and cattle are cheap. The villagers languish his heart, time to glorifying the power of the Mighty God.

4. From the Southwest

A sign that the king is dead. People must do all the virtues. Rice are cheap. Farm products are abundant but there are a lot of . But there are so many  livestocks dead.

5. From the West

Is a good sign, the king and farmers are happy, rice is cheap. All of plantation will give the best result and productivity will grow quickly. The rain will fall heavy and long. All the product will be traded with cheap and good quality, because have the blessing from God

6. From the Northwest

There will be a struggle of power, minister or the subordinate of the king will dispute over power. The farmers will be sad, because the rain and thunder will come a lot at the wrong season, Livestocks are dead. The Eclipse will be come. Rice are cheap but gold is very expensive.

7. From the North

A sign that the king is in a state of chaos because of the  government is surrounded by troubles. Disputes will arise that develop into war. Rice are expensive, but gold is cheap.

This article is only mouth to mouth story, there is no  scientific research has conducted a study of the relationship between the appearance of meteors with an omen of the event. Hope God will always protect us.

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