Why does Singapore have the cases increased again despite it has a model Coronavirus response?

Point of view: Although Singapore has generally done a good job, it is by no means a model response.

Some comments:

  1. Openness – Singapore’s survival depends on openness. This is why Singapore consistently rates highly in terms of economic openness, economic competitiveness and ease of doing business. Nearly half of Singapore residents are non citizens. Closing off travel hurts the very core of the nation. Changi Airport received nearly 62 million visitors in 2019. 20 million tourists visited Singapore. Singapore’s Government tried to callibrate their response to mitigate Covid 19 instead of introducing lock down immediately. As of 19 April 2020, the are zero imported cases. However in the early stages, imported cases formed the bulk.
  2. Foreign workforce – Made up mostly of South Asians. These hardy souls literally build, clean and serve Singapore. To keep cost low, most are housed in dormitories. Sadly, most of these facilities are lacking and are over crowded and poorly maintained. This made it ideal for the spread of Covid 19 with social distancing impossible. In recent days, there have been a spike in cases linked to these facilities. To the government’s credit, they took immediate action and mobilized the army to assist with quarantine and care for these workers. Essential workers were moved, to thin out the population and allow social distancing. Medical facilities were set up to take care of them along with provision of meals etc.
  3. Repatriation of residents – Singapore actively repatriated citizens and residents who wanted to return. Contrast this with some nations who closed their borders and even prevented citizens and residents from returning. This caused a huge spike in imported cases in the early stages.
  4. Nudge – Singapore tried to nudge the population with encouragement to stay at home. Most comply. However, there are some that flout the measures. This is why tougher measures have been introduced including deployment of police and Social Distancing Ambassadors (most volunteers). To a large degree these measures have worked since community spread seems to be in the 30s.
  5. Regular briefings – Recognizing the anxiety of these measures, there are regular briefings to explain and address concerns. Measures are regularly adjusted as required.
  6. Provision of masks, sanitizers – The government issued every household 4 surgical masks when supply became short to prevent panic. Every resident received a reusable mask and hand sanitizer. It is now mandatory to wear a mask when outside the home.
  7. Stimulus measures – Singapore’s stimulus measures amount to a whopping 11% of GDP! More have been promised if needed. This has helped provided a degree of stability.

Covid 19 remains poorly understood. It was thought that the virus was relatively difficult to transmit. Then evidence seems to be emerging that many may be asymptomatic. Now it is even thought that reinfection is possible. To be fair, these are early days and scientists are desperately trying to under the virus. To the credit of the Singapore Government, they are willing to make adjustments, sometimes daily to fight the virus. Sadly some misguided and less enlightened segments of society see these as U turns or half measures. The reality is that all measures are trade offs. Often, it must seem to be lesser of two evils. Put simply, how to save lives and yet not destroy livelihood, a seemingly impossible conundrum. Whatever decision is made will have its share of critics! Clearly not an enviable position to be in. Singaporeans need to be patient and take a broader and longer term view.

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